Poster Presentations 2020 by Academic Partners

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The following students worked with with our academic partners in 2020. They entered poster presentations about their HPCC Systems related project at our Virtual Community Day Summit in 2020. Find out about the posters submitted by HPCC Systems interns of 2020 and view abstracts for all submissions. See the full list of poster entries.

Ambu Karthik
RV College of Engineering, India

Implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks in HPCC Systems using GNN Bundle

Atreya Bain
RV College of Engineering, India

HSQL: An SQL-like language for HPCC Systems

Varsha Jenni
RV College of Engineering, India

Hybrid Density-based Adaptive clustering using Gaussian kernel and Grid Search

Gurman Singh
North Carolina State University

The Making of an Agriculture Data Lake

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