Bulk Operation

  1. Choose Issues
  2. Choose Operation
  3. Operation Details
  4. Confirmation

Step 1 of 4: Choose issues

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due
Sub-task HPCC-9469

HPCC-9354 Improve DOT rendering support

Lorraine Chapman Gordon Smith Trivial Resolved Invalid 10/Jul/13
Sub-task HPCC-9468

HPCC-9354 Configurable Depth for main graph

Gordon Smith Gordon Smith Not specified Resolved Fixed 26/Jun/13
Sub-task HPCC-9361

HPCC-9354 Selecting an activity/edge does not sync with the activity/edges lists

Gordon Smith Gordon Smith Not specified Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task HPCC-9360

HPCC-9354 Timings should always show subgraphs (even if no times)

Gordon Smith Gordon Smith Not specified Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task HPCC-9359

HPCC-9354 Nominate root subgraph for main graph

Lorraine Chapman Gordon Smith Trivial Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task HPCC-9358

HPCC-9354 Change graph locations

Lorraine Chapman Gordon Smith Trivial Resolved Invalid  
Sub-task HPCC-9357

HPCC-9354 Recalculate on click

Lorraine Chapman Gordon Smith Trivial Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task HPCC-9356

HPCC-9354 Configurable Depth

Gordon Smith Gordon Smith Minor Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task HPCC-9355

HPCC-9354 Allow pasting of XGMML

Gordon Smith Gordon Smith Not specified Resolved Fixed 05/Jun/13
