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The Download - Tech Talks

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Guest Speakers and subjects: 

  1. Jeremy Meier, Undergraduate Student Clemson University
    Evaluation of time-series prediction methods using Stored-value Card Totals


  2. Roger Dev, Sr Architect, LexisNexis Risk Solutions
    TextVectors - Machine Learning for Textual Data

    Text Vectorization allows for the mathematical treatment of textual information.  Words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs can be organized as points in high-dimensional space such that closeness in space implies closeness of meaning.  HPCC Systems' new TextVectors module supports vectorization for words, phrases, or sentences in a parallelized, high-performance, and user-friendly package.

    Roger is a Senior Architect responsible for the HPCC Systems Machine Learning Library.  He has been at HPCC Systems for nearly  three years.  He was previously at  CA Technologies.  Roger has been involved in the implementation and utilization of machine learning and AI techniques for many years, and has over 20 patents in diverse areas of software technology.

  3. Bob Foreman, Senior Software Engineer, HPCC Systems, LexisNexis Risk Solutions
    ECL Tips and Tricks: TBC 

    Bob Foreman has worked with the HPCC Systems technology platform and the ECL programming language for over 5 years and has been a technical trainer for over 25 years. He is the developer and designer of the HPCC Systems Online Training Courses, and is the Senior Instructor for all classroom and Webex/Lync based training.