The project proposal application period for 2020 summer internships is now open. Please see our list of Available Projects. Contact the project mentor for more information and to discuss your ideas. You may suggest a project idea of your own but it must leverage HPCC Systems in some way. Contact us for support from an HPCC Systems mentor with experience in your chosen project areaclosed. Check back in the Fall for details about applying to join our 2021 program.
Project Description
An increasing number of companies are moving to cloud environments. However, taking full advantage of the cloud infrastructure, particularly to get the job done while minimizing cost, remains a challenge. This project will try to explore how to use AWS EC2 Spot Instances for some of our HPCC Systems development works, such as nightly builds, some function tests, etc. Spot Instances are much cheaper than their on-demand counterparts. However, most spot instances will not have the pre-requisites suitable for HPCC Systems Development, such as the compute power. Thus, we may need to provision the spot instance before it can be used for our development purposes. As another option, we can create a Docker image with all of the prerequisite packages. This project requires knowledge of AWS (EC2, Client API, S3, etc), Docker, Unix Shell, Jenkins, maybe Python and also HPCC Systems knowledge. The students may not have all these skills but should be eager to learn the required tools or technologies.