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These How To... recordings have been prepared by our developers to help you get started quickly on a variety of topics. Each one is a short video hosted on the HPCC Systems YouTube Channel, which also contains many more recordings showcasing our community day speakers, poster presenters, Tech Talk presentations and more. 



Cloud Platform


Command Line Interface

Copy queries from one HPCC Systems host to another
Using the ECL Command line interface
Write a script to publish multiple workunits and update ROXIE query data using packagemaps

Using Packagemaps on the Command Line Interface (CLI) to update the dataset on an existing ROXIE query 'on-the-fly'
Without recompiling, or republishing, helping developers to work more efficiently with HPCC Systems

Set default values for command line parameters using an INI file (ecl.ini)
Find out how to create that file, discuss the order of precedence for command line options and see some simple examples.
Use our scriptable command line interface to interact with your HPCC Systems environment
Learn how to display a list of all queries. Then compile, publish and activate the query all in one easy step and finally confirm that it is the active query.

ECL Tips and Tricks by Allan Wrobel

ECL Macros Session 1- A worked through case
A explanation of ECL (Enterprise Control Language) MACROS using a real life case study. Compare attributes between two key build where the number of attributes is so large that using MACROS is the only solution.

ECL Macros Session 2- A worked through case
Constructing a new output layer.

ECL Macros Session 3- A worked through case
Generating an email using ECL to act on the information discovered in the previous session
ECL Built in Functions: PROJECT
ECL Built in Functions: TABLE (Vertical Slice)
ECL Built in Functions: TABLE (CrossTab)
ECL Built in Functions: ITERATE
ECL Built in Functions: PROCESS (Part 1)
ECL Built in Functions: PROCESS (Part 2)
ECL Built in Functions: GRAPH
ECL Built in Functions: NORMALIZE (COUNT Variant)
ECL Built in Functions: NORMALIZE (Child Dataset Extraction)
ECL Built in Functions: NORMALIZE (Additional Information)
ECL Built in Functions: DENORMALIZE (Single Record Presentation Variant)
ECL Built in Functions: DENORMALIZE (GROUP Presentation Variant)
ECL Built in Functions: ECL DICTIONARY (Examples of use)
ECL Built in Functions: Working with distributed data (TABLE, ROLLUP and AGGREGATE)
ECL Built in Functions: ROLLUP (Part 1)
ECL Built in Functions: ROLLUP (Part 2)
ECL Built in Functions: ECL #EXPORT and #EXPORTXML
ECL Built in Functions: DEDUP
Differences Between Build and definition files in HPCC Systems 
Aggregates on sub sets of data in a cross tab report
ECL Gotchas: Explicit return types from functions
ECL PROJECT different from other built Ins
Clarification on the context in which the ECL FUNCTIONMACROs run
Be wary of using the Compiler hint DISTRIBUTED in ECL 
A Better way to optimise out file re-distributions using DISTRIBUTED
Common ECL errors with unhelpful compiler messages
Explanation of Distribution of data on HPCC Systems, with an example
ECL/HPCC Systems Events, Including Scheduling Events
Idiosyncrasies of ECL MACROs and #EXPAND