HPCC-Platform/helm/examples/efs at master · hpcc-systems/HPCC-Platform (github.com) implementede implemented 2)
Student work experience opportunities also exist for students who want to suggest their own project idea. Project suggestions must be relevant to HPCC Systems and of benefit to our open source community.
Completion of this project involves:
- Create Azure File with CSI and AWS EFS with CSI examples in Create AWS EFS case 3) and FSx case 2 and 3) in https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart including including documentation (README.md). Prepare HPCC Platform Development team and Tech Talk Presentation.
By the mid term review we would expect you to have:
- Understand CSI driver and finish basic Azure File AWS EFS case 3) with CSI implementation for HPCC Systems Cluster Deployment
Mentor | Xiaoming Wang Backup Mentor: Godson Fortil |
Skills needed |
Deliverables | Midterm AWS EFS Helm Example End of project AWS EFS and FSx Helm Examples. Documentation (README.md) and PPT for HPCC Platform Development team and Tech Talk Presentation |
Other resources |