This project was completed by a student accepted on to the 2021 HPCC Systems Intern Program.
Student work experience opportunities also exist for students who want to suggest their own project idea. Project suggestions must be relevant to HPCC Systems and of benefit to our open source community.
Find out about the HPCC Systems Summer Internship Program.
The project proposal application period for 2020 summer internships is now closed. Check back in the Fall for details about applying to join our 2021 program.
Project Description
This was Kubernetes beta feature for a while. It is officially support Ingress was officially supported in Kubernetes 1.19 release. Previously users configured ingress service through various third party Kubernetes extension such as Istio or cloud provider's solution for example ALB from AWS. Kubernetes documented Nginx and Google Ingress controller settings. We will play with and test them. We may also test other Ingress controller such as AWS ALB and the corresponding one in Azure. Using Ingress instead of load balancer service is recommended way to control the in-coming traffic.More information coming soon
This project will explore some default Ingress Controllers such as nginx, AWS or maybe GCE and some other third party controllers for example, Istio, Ambassador, HAProxy and Kong,etc.
Student will help to identify any necessary change and add-on in HPCC Platform to support Ingress usage.
Student will work with our build and test team to provide some guidelines for how to use Ingress to configure eclwatch and other HPCC Systems services.
Student will also identify any limitation of HPCC Systems Cloud with Ingress.
If you are interested in this project, please contact Contact Details.
Completion of this project involves:
- Coming soonnginx on local Docker Desktop and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- Istio, HAProxy and other controllers on AKS. Should have a table to list all ingress controller and routing pattern tested for AKS
- Ingress on AWS
By the mid term review we would expect you to have:
- Coming soonnginx on local Docker Desktop and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Mentor | Xiaoming Kevin Wang Backup Mentor: Godson Fortil |
Skills needed |
Deliverables | Midterm End of project |
Other resources |