These How To... recordings have been prepared by our developers to help you get started quickly on a variety of topics. Each one is a short video hosted on the HPCC Systems YouTube Channel, which also contains many more recordings showcasing our community day speakers, poster presenters, Tech Talk presentation presentations and more.
Our How To... series is a great place to visit if you don't have much time and want to find a quick answer are looking for a demonstration about a specific task. We are adding to the list all the time, so keep checking back for new It also features tips and tricks to help you get the most out of using HPCC Systems.
If you have a suggestion for a video topic, feel free to post a request in the ECL Forum send a request or idea to
If you have a technical support question please post a topic on the HPCC Systems Website.
Copying Queries: This video shows how to copy queries from one HPCC Systems host to another using the ECL Command line interface.
Scripting ECL Commands/Queries: This video walks through how to write a script to publish multiple workunits and update ROXIE query data by using packagemaps.
PackageMaps: This video shows how to use Packagemaps on the Command Line Interface (CLI) to update the dataset on an existing ROXIE query 'on-the-fly' without recompiling, or republishing, helping developers to work more efficiently with HPCC Systems.
Cfg Command Line Options: This video shows how to set default values for command line parameters using an INI file (ecl.ini). We show how to create that file, discuss the order of precedence for command line options, and show some simple examples.
Publishing Query To Roxie : This video shows how to use our scriptable command line interface to interact with your HPCC Systems platform. In this short video we demonstrate how you can display a list of all queries, then compile, publish, and activate the query, all in one easy step, and finally confirm that it is an active
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