This project was completed by Everett Matthew Upchurch Butler, an undergraduate studying for a BS in Information Technology. Matt completed this project as an intern in 2018, joining us earlier than most in the January of that year and completing his internship before the summer started. Most students join over the summer months, but we can be flexible to accommodate study schedules and commitments.

Project Description

A standard Math library would expand the ECL language greatly. Math is constant and under normal circumstances it does not change as in a dependent relationship. It is a critical component of nearly every aspect of society and is therefore extremely useful in countless applications. ECL has already shown a massive improvement over its predecessors, so it is not difficult to contend that the separation between them, in terms of completeness and efficiency, can be widened even further with this project’s implementation. For this reason, a standard Math library should be created. Specifically, the functions involving probability distributions need to be implemented. The probability distributions discussed in this proposal cover the vast majority of those that are considered useful and will go a long way to add to the capabilities of ECL.

If you are interested in this project, please contact John Holt.

Completion of this project involves:

Wish list

By the mid term review we would expect you to have:


Roger Dev
Contact Details

Backup Mentor: John Holt
Contact Details

Skills needed
  • Ability to build and test the HPCC system (guidance will be provided).

  • Ability to write test code. Knowledge of ECL is not a requirement since it should be possible to re-use existing code with minimal changes for this purpose. Links are provided below to our ECL training documentation and online courses should you wish to become familiar with the ECL  language.



  • See above

End of project

  • See above

Other resources