Guest Speakers:
Joselito (Joey) Chua leads the software engineering team in the Optimal Decisions Group in LexisNexis Risk Solutions. He specialises in information-theoretic approaches to machine learning. He is a fan of anime.
This session will take a quick look at a migration plan that moved ECL production code, production processes and developers out of MySQL/SVN and into a Git code management culture. This includes migrating both Roxie and Thor processes to use Git branches across multiple HPCC Systems environments, all while continuing production data builds and releases.
Jill Luber is a Senior Architect for LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group with leadership responsibility for strategy, implementation, and stability of all US and international data linking products, including the LexID, Business LexID, Healthcare Provider ID, and UK LexID. With 17 engineers across multiple geographies, the Linking Team develops the core competences underpinning all products at Risk executing on the HPCC big data platform. Jill has presented patented, Risk linking concepts at the 2015 RELX leadership conference as well as the RELX Board meeting. She has been a member of the technology organization for over 13 years.
This presentation is about the Java API and tools released by the HPCC Systems Platform team. These projects include wsclient, rdf2hpcc, clienttools, and jdbc. These open source projects, which can be found in the hpcc-systems github repositories, are designed to allow downstream developers a consistent means by which to interface with the HPCC Systems Platform. And to facilitate the workflow of common tasks a downstream developer might be concerned with.
Michael Gardner is a HPCC Systems Platform team member and developer. He is responsible for the HPCC Platform init system, various build issues, administrative scripts, and HPCC Java projects. His most recent active work includes systemd integration for the HPCC Systems Platform, and an antlr3 (c) to antlr4 (cpp) migration for the wssql project.
In this presentation, Bob explores David Bayliss’s ECL Bible Tutorial, with particular focus on the GRAPH function and building the inverted index for the ROXIE search.
Bob Foreman has worked with the HPCC Systems technology platform and the ECL programming language for over 5 years, and has been a technical trainer for over 25 years. He is the developer and designer of the HPCC Systems Online Training Courses, and is the Senior Instructor for all classroom and Webex/Lync based training.