HPCC Systems Technical Presentations 2019
Browse: Abstracts, Winners and runners up, Awards Ceremony (Watch Recording / View Slides), Posters by HPCC Systems Interns, Posters by Academic Partners
Our Technical Poster Contest has been held every year at our Community Day event since 2016. Any student working on an HPCC Systems related project is welcome to enter this contest, regardless of whether they are an intern, academic partner contributor or any student independently working on a project that uses HPCC Systems.
The aim of this contest is to give students working on HPCC Systems related projects, an opportunity to showcase their achievements to a wide audience of HPCC Systems open source community members and LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group employees. This event is held at our annual HPCC Systems Community Day Summit and you can read all about what happened on the day in our Fly on the Wall - 2019 Poster Contest Blog.
In 2019, we accepted entries from students located outside the USA for the first time. Students located across 4 continents, (North America, South America, Asia and Europe) presented to the judges, with five students presenting live using Skype, from their remote location outside the USA.
The Students
13 students entered the contest in 2019, representing 10 different academic institutions including:
American Heritage School in Florida
Clemson University
Federal Institute of Espírito Santo in Brazil
Florida Atlantic University
Georgia State University
Goldsmiths, University of London
Kennesaw State University
North Carolina State University
Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering (RVCE) Bangalore
Wayne State University
8 students attended in person and the following 5 students presented over Skype:
Our Judges
The judges meet each student in turn and listen to them presenting about the content of their poster and their completed project. Their role is to score each student's poster based on the content, design and presentation. The standard of the work is always very high and the results for the winning places are always very close. Three of our judges in 2019 were LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group colleagues:
Jim DeFabia, Consulting Software Engineer
Tony Kirk, Senior Architect
Sarah Fabius, Systems Engineer III
We were delighted to welcome back Fabian Fier, a researcher from Humboldt University in Berlin, as our fourth judge. Fabian is a familiar face at our Community Day Summit, having presented on a number of previous occasions about his academic research:
Optimising set similarity join and search with different prefix schemes ( Watch Recording / View Slides).
Set Similarity Search using a Distributed Prefix Tree Index (Watch Recording / View Slides)
Similarity Search on Big Data - (Watch Recording / View Slides)