HPCC Systems Solutions Lab

Welcome to the HPCC Systems Interactive Expo! 

Find out about innovative tools and extensions the HPCC Systems Solutions Lab is working on that work alongside the HPCC Systems platform. Demos and links to resources are available in the Learn more... section below.

Do you have questions about the HPCC Systems Platform related tools shown here? Post your questions on Stack Overflow. Make sure to use the tag hpcc-ecl so your question is properly routed

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Tombolo is a powerful open-source tool for seamless interaction with HPCC clusters. It offers data catalog capabilities, versioning tools, and proactive asset monitoring. With Tombolo, businesses can optimize workflows, ensure data accuracy, and gain valuable insights for informed decision-making. Join us to unlock the full potential of your HPCC clusters with Tombolo.


Unlock the full potential of your data with our open-source RealBI. Our advanced business intelligence platform offers powerful analytics, intuitive visualizations, and actionable insights for smarter decision-making. Experience the future of data-driven success with RealBI. Join us to transform your data into actionable insights with RealBI. 


Unleash your ECL programming skills with LearnECL, an interactive web page offering comprehensive tutorials and sample code on ECL concepts. Elevate your data processing abilities and gain valuable insights into HPCC Systems. Explore LearnECL and take your expertise to the next level.


MongoDB plugin allows for ECL programmers to interact with data in the cloud stored in their MongoDB clusters. They can create, edit, delete, and query documents as well as chain operations together with an aggregation. The plugin takes advantage of the THOR workers for making multiple connections to the cluster and pulling data down simultaneously.


Parquet plugin allows the ECL programmer to read and write parquet files, a column based storage system, that offers storage and performance benefits for large datasets. The plugin takes advantage of multiple THOR workers for partitioning files and reading from any kind of partitioning scheme.

Meet the Team

We are a highly skilled and motivated team, dedicated to revolutionizing the world of data solutions. Through our solutions we empower businesses to harness the full potential of their data. With a focus on innovation, insights, and continuous learning, we drive informed decision-making, optimize workflows, and enhance programming skills. 


Dan Camper
Enterprise Lead Architect
LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Jack Del Vecchio
Software Engineer II
LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Yadhap Dahal
Software Engineer III
LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Matthew Fancher
Software Engineer III
LexisNexis Risk Solutions


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