Documentation Generator for ECL Code

Documentation Generator for ECL Code

This project was completed as a intern opportunity with HPCC Systems in 2017. 

Project Description - ECLDoc Overview 

The goal of this project is to build a Documentation Generation system for ECL, analogous to the JAVADOC system for JAVA and the pydoc system for Python.


  • Provide a facility that can be launched from a command-line or IDE that will format documentation from docstring information contained in ECL source files.

  • Ability to produce above documentation in several formats including plain text and HTML.

Success criteria

  • Provide an ecldoc executable that can:

    • Convert each of the ecl files in the ECLSamples folder to substantially match each of the corresponding text and HTML documents in the TextOut and HTMLOut folders.

    • Allows input files (ecl source files) to be specified as a single file or wildcarded path specification

    • Optionally provides a 'recursive' option that will convert all ecl files within a nested folder structure.

    • Allows the specification of the output format (text or html) and output location

  • Provide test cases and regression test code

Project details

See attached specification



Roger Dev
Contact details

Backup Mentor: John Holt
Contact Details 

Skills needed
  • Proficiency in Python or Java coding

  • Familiarity with at least one existing Documentation System

  • Ability to write test code.

  • Checked in code

  • Test cases demonstrating the correct behaviour and performance

  • Documentation

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