Tech Talk 15 - June 28th 2018
Guest Speakers and subjects:
Jingqing Zhang, PhD student, Data Science Institute, Imperial College, London - Watch Recording
Deep Sequence Learning in Traffic Prediction and Text ClassificationIn this talk, Jingqing will introduce two recent works both of which exploit deep learning models. The traffic prediction project (accepted by KDD’18) releases a new large-scale traffic dataset, with auxiliary information including search queries from Baidu Map app, and proposes hybrid models to achieve state-of-the-art prediction accuracy. The other work on text classification uses knowledge graph and a two-step classification policy to achieve zero-shot learning.
Jingqing Zhang is a 1st-year PhD (HiPEDS) at Department of Computing, Imperial College London under supervision of Prof. Yi-Ke Guo. His research interest includes Text Mining, Data Mining, Deep Learning and their applications. He received his MRes degree in Computing from Imperial College with Distinction in 2017 and BEng in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University in 2016.
Bob Foreman, Senior Software Engineer, HPCC Systems, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
ECL Summer Code Camp ReviewOn May 16th, five HPCC Systems Ambassadors along with Flavio Villanustre met with eight iRISE2 members for a two-hour ECL Code Camp. The event was a great success, and Bob will share with the community what we did and some of the ECL ideas that came out of it. Tips from Data Ingestion to ECL to Data Evaluation will be included in this segment.
Bob Foreman has worked with the HPCC Systems technology platform and the ECL programming language for over 5 years, and has been a technical trainer for over 25 years. He is the developer and designer of the HPCC Systems Online Training Courses, and is the Senior Instructor for all classroom and Webex/Lync based training.
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