Tech Talk 11 - February 15th 2018
Guest Speakers and subjects:
Raj Chandrasekaran, CTO & Co-Founder, ClearFunnel - Watch Recording
Scaling Data Science capabilities: Leveraging a homogeneous Big Data ecosystemRaj provides a practitioner's perspective of how his company has successfully leveraged the advantages of HPCC Systems to build and operate high-end Big Data Analytics solutions for multiple clients. He delves into some of the core capabilities and extensions in HPCC Systems, which have allowed a single, homogeneous tech stack to successfully power use cases across a diverse spectrum Big Data and Machine Learning domains.
Raj is the CTO/Co-Founder of ClearFunnel, a Big Data Analytics as a Service Platform Startup, leading their Product Strategy and Solutions. ClearFunnel focuses on enabling Marketing Analytics, Advanced Text Analytics, Bio Informatics and Image Processing for various clients in Technology, Maritime, Publishing and Healthcare domains.
James McMullan, Software Engineer III, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
HDFS Connector PreviewJames has a broad range of Software Engineering experience from developing low level system drivers for X-Ray fluorescence equipment to mobile video games and web applications. He is a recent addition to the LexisNexis team and is part of an internal R&D group where he has been working on multiple projects including; HPCC Systems & Spark Benchmarks, integration projects between the HPCC Systems, Spark and Hadoop ecosystems and document storage systems.
James presents about an in-progress ECL Plugin that allows reading/writing data from/to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Topics covered include the design of the plugin and how it differs from previous connectors, as well as a demo of using the connector to interact with files in HDFS.
Bob Foreman, Senior Software Engineer, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
Building a RELATIONal Dataset - A Valentine’s Day Special!Bob Foreman has worked with the HPCC Systems technology platform and the ECL programming language for over 5 years and has been a technical trainer for over 25 years. He is the developer and designer of the HPCC Systems Online Training Courses and is the Senior Instructor for all classroom and Webex/Lync based training.
In this presentation, Bob reviews the power of creating a relational dataset using ECL. What language tools are at our disposal and what are the benefits of using them? Bob explores and answers these questions, as well as demonstrating the best practices of this process.
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