HPCC Systems Summer Intern Program
The HPCC Systems internship program is now concluded! Starting in 2025, the summer internship opportunities will be offered under the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Early Careers Program and can be accessed via the career website.
Completed intern projects from previous years
Our class of 2024 included 13 students from high school through to PhD.
Our class of 2023 included 15 students from high school through to PhD.
Our class of 2022 included 11 students from high school through to PhD.
Our class of 2021 included 12 students from high school through to Masters level and an research assistant.
Our class of 2020 included 7 students from high school right the way through to PhD.
Our class of 2019 included 10 students studying from undergraduate level through to PhD.
Our class of 2018 included 10 students, including a high school student as well as undergraduates, Masters and PhD students.
Our class of 2017 included 5 students and for the first time, we welcomed a high school student on to the program.
Our class of 2016 included four students including a student from the LexisNexis corporate intern program and another student volunteered to work on a project for us in her own time as a community contributor.
Our class of 2015 was the first year we ran the HPCC Systems Intern Program. 4 students complete projects for us as part of the HPCC Systems summer intern program in 2015 and 2 students completed projects as part of the Google Summer of Code Program 2015.
New to HPCC Systems?
If you are new to us, then take some time to find out about HPCC Systems and what we do. Find out how HPCC Systems works, what ECL is and take a look at what goes on in our community.
Get started using HPCC Systems so you can get some experience of how it works. Here are some things you should do to get started:
Look at the work our students have completed in the past
Take a look at some video tutorials
Find out about our Cloud Native platform and how to get started using it. Visit our Helm Chart Repository and see some examples.
Download the platform and play around with it, or try building your own system from the sources.
Once you’re up and running, try out a few examples and tutorials, for example: Introduction to Thor and Roxie, Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Example.
Learn some ECL. Either read the documentation or take a training course.
If you're interested in a Machine Learning project, take a look at our Machine Learning Documentation and Sources.
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