Charan Nagaraj - 2024 Poster Contest Resources

Charan Nagaraj - 2024 Poster Contest Resources


Charan is an undergraduate student studying Computer Science at R. V. College of Engineering. He is currently a summer intern working with HPCC- Systems. He is working on migrating the regression testing of ECL-bundles to GitHub Actions and developing an automated script that checks for broken links in documentation files through GitHub Actions.

Poster Abstract

HPCC Systems has two major test systems, OBT(Overnight Build and Test Systems) and Smoketest. The regression testing of ECL-bundles was done as part of OBT. Currently it is being implemented as a part of CI(Continuous Integration) through GitHub Actions. So, when a PR is raised this GitHub Action file is triggered and it tests the ECL-Bundles on thor engine.

HPCC Systems' repository contain readme files and documentation pages that feature numerous hyperlinks to various external resources. Over time, these hyperlinks may be broken or redirected, leading to “page not found” error (404 error). Manual verification of these links is time-consuming, particularly as the number of links increases. So the second goal was to implement Automated testing of hyperlinks in Documentation files using GitHub Actions.


In this Video Recording, Charan provides a tour and explanation of his poster content.

Regression Testing of ECL Bundles and Hyperlinks Testing on GitHub Actions

Click on the poster for a larger image.



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