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General HPCC Systems core platformGeneral HPCC Systems core platform
New - Encountering an issue where embedded Java fails
The platform does not currently always enforce a Java Development Kit (JDK) dependency and the embedded Java plugin (javaembed) can fail if a JDK is not available. If you encounter this error, install the appropriate JDK for your Ubuntu distro or the openjdk-devel package for Centos.
Thor jobs locking up when using SMART join
This may happen in specific circumstances, when using a SMART join that has failed over to a local hash join and the LHS is stopped early. The workaround if this issue is being hit in builds prior to this fix (7.4.34), would be to switch from using a SMART join, to either a regular HASH join, or a standard JOIN.
Note: Because this only happens when it has already run out of memory (and failed over to a local hash join), coding specifically as a HASH join is no worse performance wise.
Whitelisting feature in DALI