The proposal period for 2024 internships is now closed! Applications for the 2025 program will open by fall.

Welcome to the HPCC Systems Summer Internship wiki page! Here you will find all the information you need to become familiar with our internship program, prerequisites for attending the internship, application process and more.

The HPCC Systems Summer Internship Program is a 12-week mentor-based internship program that runs every summer as part of the HPCC Systems academic program, and whose aim is to give students an opportunity to learn soft and hard skills applicable (but not exclusive) to the big data IT industry via HPCC Systems projects. 

To get started, read our blog or watch the recording below for more information about how the internship program works and how to apply for it, including guidance for proposal content (yes! the application process is based on a proposal submitted by the student!). 

We DO NOT wait until the deadline date to make offers to students who submit an excellent proposal early.  View our intern program flyer and print out a copy to send to students or display on your school's message board,

How to become an intern with HPCC Systems!

Watch Recording/ View Slides

Completed intern projects from previous years

Find out more about all previously completed student projects.

Most of our students work remotely, although it is possible to arrange for you to be office based, provided there is an LN office nearby that can accommodate you.

About the program...

We supply a list of projects. You choose a project of interest to you to complete during your internship with HPCC Systems. Once you have chosen a project, you must prepare and submit a proposal which shows how you plan to complete the project. You must include a timeline for each week showing what tasks you would expect to complete. We recommend that you contact the mentor of the project and discuss your ideas before submitting the final version of your proposal. Our mentors are available to give guidance and answer your questions.

We also need a copy of your resume and please note the following:

New to HPCC Systems?

If you are new to us, then take some time to find out about HPCC Systems and what we do. Find out how HPCC Systems works, what ECL is and take a look at what goes on in our community.

If you see a project on our ideas list that you like, email us and let us know. To really make a great proposal, you'll need to get started using HPCC Systems so you can get some experience of how it works. Here are some things you should do to get started:

Ready to take the plunge?

Once you've prepared the way, you're ready to get started on your proposal.