Add support to Eclipse for the HIPIE language

Add support to Eclipse for the HIPIE language

Michael Tierney completed this project as part of the HPCC Systems Summer Internship Program. This year LexisNexis sponsored 2 students who applied for a summer internship with ICHEC (Irish Centre for High End Computing). ICHEC provides an interface between research institutions and industry. Their aim is to improve business productivity and international competitiveness for Ireland in this field. 

In preparation for adding support to Eclipse for the HIPIE language (HPCC Integrated Plug In Engine) Michael first needed to  get up to speed with the Eclipse architecture and how plugins work.  He then produced an impressive working demo which got a few people around here very excited even before had completed the project! 

The screenshot below shows an example of the HIPIE language within Eclipse. A live preview of the generated visualisations is available on the same screen which is the work that Evan Sheridan, also from ICHEC whose project to Integrate visualisation into the Eclipse IDE driven by HIPIE was complimentary to Michael's work. Michael also produced a YouTube video which demonstrates how his and Evan's work complimented each other producing a fully operational demo of the HIPIE plugin in action.

Read Michael's blog about his progress. There is also blog on the HPCC System website introducing the HIPIE language

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