Tech Talk 13 - April 19th 2018

Tech Talk 13 - April 19th 2018

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Guest Speakers and subjects: 

  1. Featured Community Speaker – Matt Butler, Kennesaw State University & HPCC Systems Intern - Watch Recording
    The Future of Automotive Telemetry: Assessing Autonomous Vehicle Risk Implications using Simulated Data

    The concept of self-driving vehicles is one that has fascinated mankind for generations. It was once a topic thought to be so farfetched that it could only exist in a child’s cartoon. Yet, we now seem to be living in that reality. Several companies have taken major strides toward making this once fanciful idea a reality. But as we race closer and closer to that dream, we stop and pause to consider the risks and challenges that we may be creating for ourselves. Beyond that, how will this new technology affect today’s modern societal and industrial norms?

    Matt is currently a senior at Kennesaw State University majoring in Information Technology with a concentration in Information Security and Assurance. Last year Kennesaw State held its first annual Hackathon. The Hackathon featured outside companies with real world problems for the students to work through. Matt partnered with the HPCC Systems team which was named the third place winner. He joined the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group family as an intern in February of 2018. Presently, Matt is working to develop a standard Math library for the HPCC Systems Enterprise Control Language (ECL). 

  2. Russ Whitehead, Architect, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
    Developing A Custom, Pluggable HPCC Systems Security Manager

    HPCC Systems currently provides several out of the box security managers, which range from simple HTPASSWD user authentication to robust LDAP authentication and feature level authorization. In this tech talk, I will describe how a software developer can implement the HPCC Systems security manager interface in order to create a custom security manager that can be plugged into the HPCC Systems configuration.  With this framework, a developer could implement a security manager that supports fingerprints, voice recognition,  retinal scans or any other mechanism they choose.

    Russ is a Software Architect and has a BS degree in Computer Science from the University of Florida and an MBA from the University of Miami. His background is operating systems development, network management and voice recognition. He has been a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group employee and HPCC Systems platform team member since May 2008. His top responsibility is the HPCC security framework, which he has been contributing to for the past 5 years.


  3. Craig Cooper, Consulting Software Engineer, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
    ECL Tip: Understanding the ECL Watch Graphs

    This talk is intended to familiarize HPCC Systems users with the features and uses of the Workunit Graphing functionality built in to the ECL Watch application.

    Craig has been an employee of LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group for 26 years. With 20+ years of object oriented programming experience in the Windows environment Craig has been transitioning to HPCC Systems and ECL over the past year. Craig also has more than 15 years of experience (part time) teaching software concepts at the college level.

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