2017 Tech Talks Catch-up

2017 Tech Talks Catch-up

Missed a tech talk? Don't worry! Recordings are available to help you catch up on all the topics we've covered so far. Find out more details, including the link to the recording, slides and recap blog for each Tech Talk.

HPCC Systems Tech Talk 9
Integrating REDIS with HPCC Systems in high volume UK infrastructure
ECL Tips: The Bright Green Data Generation Machine 

HPCC Systems Tech Talk 8 - HPCC Systems Community Day Recordings 2017 
We took this Tech Talk 'on the road' as part of our Community Day Summit.

HPCC Systems Tech Talk 7
Initial HPCC Systems Integration with Jupiter Notebook
ECL Tip of the Month - PROCESS and AGGREGATE transform functions 

HPCC Systems Tech Talk 6
Extending the YinYang K-Means machine learning algorithm in ECL
HPCC Systems and Spark 
Implementing the Gradient Trees machine learning algorithm in ECL  

HPCC Systems TechTalk 5
Interlock Deep Dive
Hive360, Cloud Ported HPCC Systems Platform 
SQL on HPCC Systems 
ECL Tip of the Month 

HPCC Systems Tech Talk 4
Visualizer - The ECL Bundle
An Update on the Machine Learning Bundles
The ECL IDE goes multi-language - Computer languages that is! 
HPCC Systems  - New Website Preview 

HPCC Systems Tech Talk 3
Prescriptive Analytics - A Software Engineering Perspective 
Migrating an ECL code repository into Git, Part II 
HPCC Systems Platform: Java APIs and tools 
In Search of the Lost Tutorial – the best ECL lesson you have never seen 

HPCC Systems Tech Talk 2
Mobile/IoT and HPCC Systems
Operationalising jobs on Thor utilising Python, Git and HPCC Systems client tools - Part 1 
Basic Linear Algebra Subsystem (BLAS) and Parallel Block BLAS (PBBlas) libraries for HPCC Systems
Updates and deep dives on cool code  

HPCC Systems Tech Talk 1
Using HPCC Systems in a production setting
Reducing processing time on Thor
HPCC Systems Intern Program

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