Unnathi C S - 2024 Poster Contest Resources

Unnathi C S - 2024 Poster Contest Resources

Unnathi C S -photo.jpeg

I'm Unnathi C S studying in first year B.tech(Hons) in CSE in R V University Bangalore,Karnataka,India,i recently participated in the hackathon organised by HPCC systems and managed to secure 2nd price and also wanted to dive more into ECL language so i m participating in this poster presentation


Poster Abstract

Groundwater contamination is a critical issue affecting water quality and public health across India. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of groundwater contamination across various states, leveraging HPCC systems ECL language. Key chemical parameters, including pH, EC, CO3, HCO3, Cl, SO4, NO3, PO4, TH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, F, SiO2, and U, were examined against permissible thresholds provided by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Utilizing visualization techniques demonstrate contamination levels and identify areas with significant groundwater quality issues. The findings highlight regions with severe contamination, guiding policymakers and stakeholders in implementing targeted water management strategies.


In this Video Recording, Unnathi provides a tour and explanation of her poster content.

Ground Water Contamination -An analysis of contamination across various state in India:

Click on the poster for a larger image.



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