What you need to know about HPCC Systems

Welcome! Whether you are a new or experienced user, there is something for everyone in this wiki which guides you to the right place to find the information you need. 

  • New to HPCC Systems?
    Find out about who we are and how HPCC Systems can help you solve your big data problems.

  • HPCC Systems is Cloud Native
    Use these resources to find out about our cloud native platform and how to get started using it

  • Ready to take the plunge?
    Here's how to get started. Download the platform and learn how to use it.

  • Visit our How To Video Library
    Get help with specific tasks relating to getting started with our cloud native platform, using the ECL Command Line and usage tips for a number of ECL Language features.

  • Become an ECL power user
    Find out more about the resources available that will help you to extend your ECL knowledge and usage.

  • Getting help
    Help for new and experienced users. 

  • Our brochure
    Get a quick overview of HPCC Systems. 


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