HPCC Systems Poster Competition (Technical Presentations)

HPCC Systems Poster Competition (Technical Presentations)

Here at HPCC Systems, we have a vibrant academic community developing research projects at a number of universities and high schools. In 2016, we decided to hold a technical poster presentation competition, inviting students working on HPCC Systems related projects to showcase their research and it was a great success. Since then, the competition has been held annually alongside our annual Community Day Summit and we ask representatives from inside and outside LexisNexis to judge the posters based on their knowledge of HPCC Systems, technology and data science.

Let us know that you are working on an HPCC Systems related project and that you are interested in sharing your achievements with our community members. We are always delighted and extremely interested to hear about innovative ways HPCC Systems may be used to get the results academic and business leaders need..

For more information contact us.

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