Poster Presentations 2019 by Academic Partners

Poster Presentations 2019 by Academic Partners

Browse: Home, Abstracts, Winners and runners up, Awards Ceremony (Watch Recording / View Slides), Posters by HPCC Systems Interns

The following students are currently working with with our academic partners. They entered poster presentations about their HPCC Systems related project at our Community Day Summit in 2019. Find out about the posters submitted by HPCC Systems interns of 2019 and view abstracts for all submissions. See the full list of poster entries.

 2nd Place Winning Entry
Alyssa Messner
Wayne State University

Exploring Co-occurring Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorder Using HPCC Systems  (View Poster / Read Extract)

Our 2019 second place winner, Alyssa Messner, is a Masters student in data science and business analytics.

Her project is the result of a collaboration with an old friend of HPCC Systems, Itauma Itauma, who has previously entered this contest himself in 2016 (View Poster - Unsupervised Learning and Image Classification in a High Performance Computing Cluster)and 2018 (View Poster - Cervical cancer risk factors: Exploratory analysis using HPCC Systems).

Alyssa's work looks at Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Any Mental Illness (AMI), two issues which are having an increasing negative impact on people focussing specifically on those living in the US.

Yash Mishra
Clemson University

Automated provisioning and de-provisioning of HPCC Systems on Amazon Web Services (AWS) 

(View Poster / Read Extract)


Yash Mishra is an applied research assistant attached to Dr Amy Apon's research team.

This project is particularly relevant to HPCC Systems which runs on the cloud and the need to be able to scale up and down the size of clusters on the fly, is an important part of our roadmap as we move forward with planned development in this area.

Jack Fields
American Heritage School

American Heritage School Autonomous Security Robot 

(View Poster / Read Extract)


Jack Fields is a high school student who is a contributor to the robotics program available at his school.

Jack came to our Community Day Summit with some of the other students who are also working on this project and they provided a demo of the robot to show the progress that has been made during 2019. 

Taiowa Donovan is the Robotics Program Director who spoke on the main stage about this program at our 2018 Community Day Summit (Watch Recording / View Slides /