ShellHacks 2023

ShellHacks 2023

Workshop links:

Intern with HPCC Systems 

Please visit the HPCC Systems Summer Internship area of the wiki for more information on the program.

Join us at our HPCC Systems ECL Workshop and Hackathon as part of ShellHacks

Date of the event

September 15-17, 2023


Florida International University
Biscayne Bay Campus | Miami, Florida

Kovens Conference Center, 3000 NE 151st St, North Miami, FL, US, 33181

1st floor main hallway and room 120



Hosted by

September 15-17, 2023


ShellHacks is completely free for all students accepted to the event




  • Workshop Topics Include:

    • Introduction to HPCC Systems

    • Introduction to ECL Watch, the ECL IDE and the ECL Extension in VS Code

    • How to clean and analyze data using ECL (Enterprise Control Language)

    • Core ECL transformation and delivery tools

Data Source


Workshop Trainers

Bob Foreman - Software Engineering Lead

Greg Panagiotatos - Senior Software Engineer

Hugo Watanuki - Manager Community Tech Programs

Richard Taylor - Sr Consulting Software Engineer

What you need

  • A laptop

  • Installed VS Code with ECL Extension or ECL IDE

  • Ability to access the public internet (available in workshop room)

Quick start resources

Group messaging application

Discord server: https://discord.com/channels/245393533391863808/ 

Internship Opportunities

Find out more about the HPCC Systems intern program

What can I do to prepare?

We have many resources available for you to use to familiarize yourself with our technology and how to use it. If you are new to us, then take some time to find out about HPCC Systems and what we do. Find out how HPCC Systems workswhat ECL is and take a look at what goes on in our community.

  • Watch a quick overview video about HPCC Systems

  • Create your own Localized Container based Cluster. 

    • Note:  We will be using a cloud-based HPCC Systems cluster for the workshop.

  • You can use your preferred editor to write code but we do have our own, a Windows-based ECL IDE which you can download. On the download page, under Operating System, select Windows. Download both the ECL IDE and Client Tools.

  • VS Code is a good code editor if you don't use Windows.  Installation is slightly more complicated see below and also this cheat sheet:

    1. Download and install VS Code from here if you don't already have it installed.

    2. Download the HPCC Systems Client Tools from here.

      1. Choose your operating system from the popup list.

      2. Choose the appropriate "Client Tools" option for your operating system.  Make sure only one checkbox on the entire page is selected.

      3. Download and install.

    3. Launch VS Code, then search for and install the extension named "ECL (Enterprise Control Language) support for Visual Studio Code".

  • Once you’re up and running, try out a few of the tutorials.

  • Learn some ECL. This is the language used to write queries. It's easy to use, try it for yourself. Read the documentation or take a training course

  • Take a look at some video tutorials

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