HPCC Systems at ODSC East 2023
Live Demo talk and Workshop training:
Demo: HPCC Systems – The Kit and Kaboodle for Big Data and Data Science
Tuesday May 09, 2023 12:05pm – 12:30pm EST
Demo Hall B
Learn why the truly open source HPCC Systems platform is better at Big Data and offers an end-to-end solution for Developers and Data Scientists. Learn how ECL can empower you to build powerful data queries with ease. HPCC Systems, a comprehensive and dedicated data lake platform makes combining different types of data easier and faster than competing platforms — even data stored in massive, mixed schema data lakes — and it scales very quickly as your data needs grow. Topics include HPCC Architecture, Embedded Languages and external datastores, Machine Learning Library, Visualization, Application Security and more.
Workshop: Relational Dataset Analytics for Clear Customer Insights
Note: You will need a GitHub Account to access the Gitpods IDE during the Workshop.
Wednesday May 10, 2023 2:00pm - 3:15pm EST
Room: 308
Creating Relational Datasets in HPCC Systems releases a powerful query capability that helped to solve real world questions from our open source community to allow them to make better risk-related business decisions. A part of the dataset was also used to perform ML analytics to determine a real time housing price prediction model. Built-in Visualization Tools also give the customer an easy way to report these insights.
HPCC Systems is a completely free, open source Big Data/Data Lake platform created by LexisNexis Risk Solutions and used by companies globally. The workshop attendee will be provided with interactive code examples and solutions on an actual cluster created for ODSC attendees.
Workshop Resources:
Conference Resources
Hynes Center Map:
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