R.V. College of Engineering Hack Challenge March 2024

HPCC Systems is a sponsor at this event as part of our academic program. It is hosted by the R.V. College of Engineering in Bangalore, India.

Getting up and running with ECL:

Useful links:

Date of the event

  • March 11-14th, 2024

March 11th at 6.30 PM IST: Sharing Hackathon challenge with participants*.

March 12th-13th: Participants will work on the challenge.

March 14th at 10:00 AM IST: Deadline for participants to submit the video recording.

March 22nd: Announcement of the Hackathon result.

* RVCE will be sending the meeting invite to HPCC Systems team and participants for the challenge presentation.

Submission Info

The deadline for submitting the video links is 14th March 2024 by 10:00 am IST.  Here is the google form link for uploading your youtube video.


Online hosted by RV College of Engineering & HPCC Systems




The Hackathon is open to all undergraduate and graduate R.V. College of Engineering students. 


Register Here: From 7th March 2024 9:00 am IST and closes on 8th March 2024 8:00 pm IST

HPCC Systems Challenge Information

Safe Haven Challenge

Data Source

Various public resource datasets

What you need

  • A laptop with access to the public internet

  • Installed ECL IDE or VS Code with ECL Extension (see Getting up and Running session above for setup)

  • An internet browser

Quick start resources

General Instructions

  1. Please follow all the guidelines and timeline specified by the organizers.

  2. Read carefully the instructions and tips contained in the github repo of the challenge.

  3. Leverage the HPCC Systems platform for the development and deployment of the solution.

  4. Use the slack channel, the HPCC Systems community forum archive and StackOverflow for support.

  5. Once your team is satisfied with the solution, record a 5 min video demoing the solution and follow these steps to submit your solution:

    1. Log in to Youtube using the personal account from one of the group members

    2. Upload the video and mark the video as “unlisted” (see this link for details),

    3. Share the link of your recording with the organizers.

Judges will consider the following for evaluation of the solutions:

  1. Problem that was chosen (What categories and datasets were selected)

  2. How you approached the solution

  3. Display results (Roxie or Visualization)

  4. Drawing conclusion 

  5. Demo of work via the recorded demo (please include the WUID or Roxie query id)

Mentors available during the Hackathon

The following mentors will be available to help you through the Slack Channel Here at the designated time zones:

  • US Business hours: Alysson Oliveira, Bob Foreman, George Foreman, Hugo Watanuki, Mauro Marques, Richard Taylor

  • IST Business hours: Dr. Shobha G , Dr. Jyoti Shetty, Dr. Vishalakshi Prabhu, Prof. Manonmani , Prof. Manas, Prof. Sneha, Dhanush S, Gouthami Sooda, Chandana S, Prashant R, Eshaan Mathur

Slack Channel

Slack Channel

How to prepare for the challenge.

First thing to do is to watch this series of videos on the introduction to ECL.

Course Title

Video Link

Course Title

Video Link

Introduction to ECL Part 1 Session 1: HPCC Architecture and Introduction to ECL 

Introduction to ECL Part 1 Session 2: More ECL Introduction, RECORD and DATASET 

Introduction to ECL Part 1 Session 3: ECL Definitions 

Introduction to ECL Part 1 Session 4a: Functions and Value Definitions 

Introduction to ECL Part 1 Session 4b: Functions and Value Definitions 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 1a: ETL with ECL, Crosstab Reports 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 1b: ETL with ECL, Crosstab Reports 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 2a: Data Evaluation, TRANSFORM functions 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 2b: Data Evaluation, TRANSFORM functions 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 3a: Transform using Tables, ROLLUP 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 3b: Transform using Tables, ROLLUP 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 3c: Transform using Tables, ROLLUP 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 4a: JOINS and Class Wrap Up 

Introduction to ECL Part 2 Session 4b: JOINS and Class Wrap Up 

We have many resources available for you to use to familiarize yourself with our technology and how to use it. If you are new to us, then take some time to find out about HPCC Systems and what we do. Find out how HPCC Systems workswhat ECL is and take a look at what goes on in our community.


    • Watch a quick overview video about HPCC Systems

    • Create your own Localized Container based Cluster. 

      • Note:  We will be using a cloud-based HPCC Systems cluster for the workshop.

    • You can use your preferred editor to write code but we do have our own, a Windows-based ECL IDE which you can download. On the download page, under Operating System, select Windows. Download both the ECL IDE and Client Tools.

    • VS Code is a good code editor if you don't use Windows.  Installation is slightly more complicated see below and also this cheat sheet:

      1. Download and install VS Code from here if you don't already have it installed.

      2. Download the HPCC Systems Client Tools from here.

        1. Choose your operating system from the popup list.

        2. Choose the appropriate "Client Tools" option for your operating system.  Make sure only one checkbox on the entire page is selected.

        3. Download and install.

      3. Launch VS Code, then search for and install the extension named "ECL (Enterprise Control Language) support for Visual Studio Code".

    • Once you’re up and running, try out a few of the tutorials.

    • Learn some ECL. This is the language used to write queries. It's easy to use, try it for yourself. Read the documentation or take a training course

    • Take a look at some video tutorials

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