Tech Talk 25 - July 19th 2019
Join us for our summer review featuring some of the most popular Tech Talks in our HPCC Systems webcast series
Guest Speakers and subjects:
Rob Mansfield, Senior Data Scientist, Proagrica - Watch Recording
Dapper - A bundle to make your ECL neaterHave you ever written a long project for a simple column rename and thought, this should be easier? What about nicely named output statements? Yeah they bother me too. Oh, and DEDUP(SORT(DISTINCT()))? There is a better way! Learn how dapper can help!
Rob has worked in ECL since 2016. As a Data Scientist he has helped design complex logic and statistical models that all pull from Proagrica’s HPCC Systems platform. Rob also works in Python and R, skills he picked up in a previous life as a college lecturer.
Jingqing Zhang, PhD student, Data Science Institute, Imperial College, London - Watch Recording
Deep Sequence Learning in Traffic Prediction and Text ClassificationIn this talk, Jingqing will introduce two recent works both of which exploit deep learning models. The traffic prediction project (accepted by KDD’18) releases a new large-scale traffic dataset, with auxiliary information including search queries from Baidu Map app, and proposes hybrid models to achieve state-of-the-art prediction accuracy. The other work on text classification uses knowledge graph and a two-step classification policy to achieve zero-shot learning.
Jingqing Zhang is a 1st-year PhD (HiPEDS) at Department of Computing, Imperial College London under supervision of Prof. Yi-Ke Guo. His research interest includes Text Mining, Data Mining, Deep Learning and their applications. He received his MRes degree in Computing from Imperial College with Distinction in 2017 and BEng in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University in 2016.
Bob Foreman, Senior Software Engineer, HPCC Systems, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
ECL Tips and Trick: The Top Ten Common ECL Compiler/Runtime Errors, and how to correct them
Bob Foreman has worked with the HPCC Systems technology platform and the ECL programming language for over 5 years and has been a technical trainer for over 25 years. He is the developer and designer of the HPCC Systems Online Training Courses and is the Senior Instructor for all classroom and Webex/Lync based training.
In all of the ECL training classes over the many years, there are consistent ECL compiler/runtime errors that surface in every class. This presentation focuses on the list of the most common errors identified by the HPCC Systems training and documentation, addressing why they occur and how to fix them.
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