Tech Talk 21 - February 21st 2019

Tech Talk 21 - February 21st 2019

The Download - Tech Talks

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Guest Speakers and subjects: 

  1. Adwait Joshi - CEO, DataSeers - Watch Recording
    HPCC Systems - An IoT use case for Payments

    Traditionally we all have used Thor for data processing and ROXIE indexes for data pulls. Think about using ROXIE for a data ingest and Thor directly pulling data into the back end repository. This talk will explain about how DataSeers has designed a realtime transaction monitoring system using HPCC Systems, Kafka, ElasticSearch and MySQL pushing the envelope for a typical use case. Learn the roadblocks we encountered, how we worked around them, and how we hardened the system to be truly disaster resistant with all open source technologies.

    Adwait’s IT career in the US began with Fisher Price where he spent his summer creating tools for mechanical engineers to speed up design of toys and he was successful in automating a lot of trivial tasks. He then went on to work at Intel where he was given a challenge that had not been solved before, migrating a 3d visualization software to a 64-bit architecture. He not only took that challenge, but tenuously worked towards finishing the project and won an award for doing it 4 weeks ahead of schedule. That’s when Adwait found his passion for IT, and it was simple to create solutions to automate tedious manual processes.  He believes in the philosophy of complex problems can be solved with simple solutions. For more than a decade now, Adwait has been working with various verticals solving their Data problems. He has tremendous expertise in big data and analytics. After a successful exit in 2016, he is back in the startup mode. His latest venture DataSeers, is a startup focused on RegTech and helping FinTech companies with Reconciliation, Compliance, Fraud and Analytics. The product has been so majorly successful that within the first year the company is already profitable and winning awards. LexisNexis recently awarded DataSeers an Award for creating a truly unique solution in the market space that uses HPCC Systems.

  2. Yanrui Ma, Architect, HPCC Systems, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
    Dynamic ESDL has become more dynamic in HPCC Systems 7.0.0

    In this talk, Yanrui will talk about some of the major changes with Dynamic ESDL in HPCC Systems 7.0.0, focusing on the mechanisms and enhancements that have made it even more dynamic. He’ll give a demo of creating a DESDL service with the improved “esdl” command line to show you how easy and quick it can be. He’ll also go over DESDL related EclWatch changes in HPCC Systems 7.0.0, and some of the upcoming DESDL features. 

    Yanrui Ma is a Software Architect with the HPCC Systems platform development team. He has worked for LexisNexis for 18 years. During his tenure at the company, he has worked on a range of products, including some of the ESP core components and various ESP services, security, batch, TrueID, Multi-Factor-Authentication, and most recently, Dynamic ESDL.


  3. Bob Foreman, Senior Software Engineer, HPCC Systems, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
    ECL Tip: All about the ECL SET

    This month’s ECL Tip spotlights the ECL SET definition, value type, and other supported functions that use it. Several code examples and best practices will be demonstrated.

    Bob Foreman has worked with the HPCC Systems technology platform and the ECL programming language for over 5 years, and has been a technical trainer for over 25 years. He is the developer and designer of the HPCC Systems Online Training Courses, and is the Senior Instructor for all classroom and Webex/Lync based training.

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