2020 Poster Contest Judges

2020 Poster Contest Judges

Browse: HomeAbstracts, Winners and runners upAwards Ceremony (Watch Recording)Posters by HPCC Systems InternsPosters by Academic Partners, Virtual Judging, Virtual Poster Booths

As always, we have four judges this year. Three of our judges are colleagues representing different LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group teams and our external judge is one of our academic contributors.

Judging focuses on the following categories:

ContentThis category focuses on looking at the originality of the project, the relevance to the HPCC Systems and the relevance to the conference theme.

Poster DesignThis category focuses on looking at the organization and the visual appeal of the poster as well as the relationship with the content.

PresentationThis category focuses on how the student communicated their ideas, including the flow and clarity of the presentation.

Jingqing Zhang
PhD Candidate, Department of Computing
Imperial College London

Jingqing Zhang is a 3rd-year PhD (HiPEDS) at Department of Computing, Imperial College London. His research interest includes Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Data Mining and Deep Learning.

Jingqing’s Masters and PhD at Imperial College, London have been funded via the HPCC Systems Academic Program and he has used our big data analytics platform to process the data used in his research.

He meets regularly with HPCC Systems team members who provide mentoring involving the use of HPCC Systems. JIngqing has produced at least 6 papers during his HPCC Systems sponsored research, maybe more! Find more details about our academic collaboration with Imperial College, London.

Kenneth Rowland
Consulting Software Engineer
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group

Ken is a member of the HPCC Systems platform development team. He has worked on maintaining the current configuration management components. Most recently he has developed a new Metrics Collection Framework for core platform components as part of the migration to the cloud. 

Raju Nagarajan
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group

Raju has over 24 years of IT development experience working in ticketing application for Swiss Rail, HIPAA health care implementation for BlueCross BlueShied, and Insurance data services for LNRisk. He has been with LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group for over 14 years and thoroughly enjoys working in various technologies and technologist.

Raju holds an MS in Computer Science from RECW (Regional Engg. College, Warangal) India.

Nicole Navarro
Software Engineer II
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group

Nicole was an HPCC Systems intern in 2018 working on an HPCC Systems related project to measure the social distribution of opioid prescriptions. She presented a Tech Talk and Poster about her project and you can find out more using these links (Watch Recording / View Slides / View Poster).