HPCC Systems Technical Presentations 2021

HPCC Systems Technical Presentations 2021

Browse: Abstracts, Winners and runners up, Awards Ceremony (Watch Recording / View Slides), Posters by HPCC Systems InternsPosters by Academic Partners, Poster Judges, Virtual Judging, Home

Our Technical Poster Contest has been held every year at our Community Day event since 2016. Any student working on an HPCC Systems related project is welcome to enter this contest, regardless of whether they are an intern, academic partner contributor or any student independently working on a project that uses HPCC Systems. Take a walk down memory lane and look at the variety and of the contributions that have been showcased at our poster contest over the years. The aim of this contest is to give students working on HPCC Systems related projects, an opportunity to present their achievements to a wide audience of HPCC Systems open source community members and LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group employees. 

Our 2021 Poster Contest was held virtually and we thank students and judges for finding time in their busy schedules to meet for Q and A sessions which supports the judging process. Our judges always find it very difficult to choose winners from the submissions since all projects are completed to a very high standard by the dedicated students working on them. Yet winners must be chosen. Our 2021 Poster Contest Winners were announced during our 2021 HPCC Systems Community Day Summit.

In 2021, our Community Choice award will again be chosen by those who attend Community Day and vote for their favourite poster project. Our judges will choose winners in the following categories:

  • Best Poster - Data Analytics

  • Best Poster - Platform Enhancement

  • Best Poster - Use Case

  • Best Poster - Research - This award is new in 2021 and has been added to support the work done on research projects that may still be ongoing.

Find out more about our 2021 Judging Panel and the virtual judging process.

About the Students

18 posters were entered into our 2021 Poster Contest, which is the most submitted so far in any one year. Students presented from 3 continents:

  • Asia

  • North America

  • South America

The students ranged from high school right through to Masters level and showcased projects covering a wide variety of topics as shown below. Simply click on the poster title to view more details.

Students Presenting from Asia

Achinthya Sreedhar
RV College of Engineering, India

Improving conditional probability calculations using kernel methods in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) as a part of the Causality Project

Atreya Bain
RV College of Engineering, India

Improvements on HSQL: A SQL-like language for HPCC Systems

Community Choice Award 

Chirag Bapat
RV College of Engineering, India

Comparative study of HPCC Systems and Hadoop

Deeksha Shravani
RV College of Engineering, India

Developing a Recommendation System for a Virtual Reality based Supermarket using Big Data Platforms

Mayank Agarwal
RV College of Engineering, India

Independence Testing with RCoT : Causal Validation and Discovery for HPCC System Causal Toolkit

Shivani C H
RV College of Engineering, India

COVID-19 Cases and Vaccination Data Tracker in India

Students Presenting from North America

Amy Ma
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, FL, USA

Ingress Configuration

Carina Wang
American Heritage School, FL, USA

Processing Student Images with Kubernetes on HPCC Systems Cloud Native Platform

Best Poster - Data Analytics

Chris Connelly
North Carolina State University

Ingestion and Analysis of Collegiate Women's Basketball GPS Data in HPCC Systems and RealBI


Jefferson Mao
Lambert High School, Georgia

Toxicity Detection

Best Poster - Use Case


Murtadha D. Hssayeni
Florida Atlantic University

The Forecast of COVID-19 Spread Risk at The County Level

Nikita Jha
Northview High School GA, USA

Apply Docker Image Build and Kubernetes Security Principles

Best Poster - Platform Enhancement


Roshan Bhandari
Clemson University

Use Azure Spot Instance with HPCC Systems for Cost Optimization

Students Presenting from South America

André Fontanez Bravo
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Big Data and Logistic Regression applied to Analysis of Loan Requests

Best Poster - Research

Bruno Carneiro Camara
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Preventing Fraud by Registration Inconsistencies

Francisco Ciol Rodrigues Aveiro 
Insper, Sao Paulo, Brazil

HPCC Systems Ingress Configuration with AWS ALB

Guilherme Santos da Silva
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil

HPCC Systems File Usage Monitor

Luiz Fernando Cavalcante Silva
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Massive data analysis in public management: A proposal to identify outliers in the São Paulo city government's real estate registry

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