2021 Poster Contest Judges

2021 Poster Contest Judges

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Meet our four 2021 Poster Contest judges. Three of our judges are colleagues representing different LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group teams and our external judge is a former HPCC Systems Intern who entered this contest in three previous years.

Judging focuses on the following categories:

ContentThis category focuses on looking at the originality of the project, the relevance to the HPCC Systems open source platform and community.

Poster DesignThis category focuses on looking at the organization and the visual appeal of the poster as well as the relationship with the content.

PresentationThis category focuses on how the student communicated their ideas, including the flow and clarity of the presentation.

Robert Kennedy
PhD Candidate
Department of Computing
Florida Atlantic University

Robert joined the HPCC Systems Intern Program for the first time in 2018, completing a project using HPCC Systems to research distributed deep learning with TensorFlow (Watch 2018 Conference Presentation / View Slides). He was the 3rd Prize Winner at our 2018 Poster Contest (View Poster). In 2019, he returned to complete another internship and his poster, GPU Accelerated Neural Networks on HPCC Systems Platform (View PosterWatch 2019 Conference Presentation / View Slides) winning first prize in our contest that year. In 2020, he won the best poster prize in our Data Analytics category. His project involved expanding on the previous year's work, focusing on Distributed GPU Accelerated Neural Networks with GNN (View Poster / Watch 2020 Conference Presentation).

Having been a winner of our poster contest three years running, Robby join us in 2021 from the other side of the fence as a judge.

Jessica Skaggs
Consulting Software Engineer
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group

Jessica has been with LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group since 2001. She spent 16 years as a developer and technical lead with the Legal & Professional division before moving to her current role 4 years ago, when she began learning about and working with HPCC Systems, ECL, and Power BI. She has a BS degree in Systems Analysis from Miami University (OH).

Kevin Wilmoth
Manager, Software Engineering
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group

Kevin began his career at LexisNexis Legal and Professional (LnP) in 1997 while attending Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio as  a Computer Science student. After graduation, his full time position at LexisNexis LnP involved working on a process and inventory management process for an editorial system designed to assist lawyers in adding caselaw summaries to United States Caselaw.

After 10 years Kevin moved to another group in LexisNexis LnP where to start working on as a user of HPCC Systems, developing an entity recognition and fact extraction system to automatically identify attorneys, lawyers, and facts about US Caselaw to enhance our product offerings to lawyers. During this time Kevin also studied for his MBA at University of Dayton and then joined LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group as an engineer on the Linking team,  supporting an existing process that builds business profiles for the purpose of searching businesses.

Kevin is now the manager of the External Linking team, which is responsible for providing search interfaces that allow our products to uniquely search and identify persons, businesses, and health care providers.

Greg Panagiotatos
Software Engineer III
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group

Greg has been with LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group since 2001, starting off in Legal and Professional, Content Creation / Global Electronic Product Delivery. He joined the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group HPCC Systems team in 2010 as part of the open source initiative. In that time, he has been working on the (HPCC Systems) core platform development team producing platform related documentation. He has help to build a documentation delivery system based on open source standards which automates documentation production and even helps to develop some self-documenting software.

More recently, he has been working on a series of How-To videos to supplement the traditional HPCC Systems documentation and support adoption of our new Cloud Native Platform.

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