Jack Del Vecchio - 2022 Poster Contest Resources

Jack Del Vecchio - 2022 Poster Contest Resources

Browse Poster Wiki: 2022 Poster Award Winners, Awards Ceremony (Watch Recording from minute marker 1630), Posters by 2022 HPCC Systems InternsPosters by Academic Partners, Poster Judges, About Virtual Judging, 2022 Poster Contest Home Page, Poster Contest Previous Years

Jack Del Vecchio is a Bachelor student studying Computer Engineering at the Miami of Ohio University.

Over the years, we have been adding support for new embedded languages and datastores to be leveraged by developers using the ECL language (find out what we currently support here). Jack joined the HPCC Systems Intern Program to add MongoDB to this list, which will make HPCC Systems more accessible to community users who choose to use MongoDB for their big data analytics projects.

As well as the resources included here, read Jack's intern blog journal which includes a more in depth look of his work. 

2022 Winner of the Best Poster Platform Enhancement Award

Poster Abstract

As a summer intern for HPCC Systems, I worked on a plugin that utilized the HPCC Systems engine to make calls to MongoDB allowing for access to an external datastore. My poster provides details of the API that was used by my plugin to communicate between the two systems. The two systems have similar data types that are native to them, but there are some differences as shown on my poster.

The plugin allows for a wide variety of commands to be sent to the MongoDB database. MongoDB uses documents which are essentially JSON objects to pass commands back and forth to the server making it adaptable to almost any kind of operation a user would want to do. My poster shows some example code to demonstrate what the plugin can do and how it works. I wanted there to be an emphasis on documentation, so I think talking about the MongoDB C++ driver and how it works would be helpful to anyone trying to maintain my plugin or something else with the MongoDB driver.

Overall I want my poster to convey my experience as an intern, illustrating my journey from learning how the platform works to designing the plugin for making calls to MongoDB.


In this Video Recording, Jack provides a tour and explanation of his poster content.

Interfacing MongoDB into ECL

Click on the poster for a larger image.


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