2022 Poster Contest Virtual Judging

2022 Poster Contest Virtual Judging

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Our 2022 Poster Contest took place virtually with judges viewing the resources available on this wiki.

Virtual Q and A meetings were held to give judges the opportunity to find out more about the students and their work. 26 posters were submitted in 2022 which is considerably more than in any previous year including 2021, when there were 18 entries.

Before the Q and A sessions, judges had already read the abstracts, reviewed the posters and watched the video presentations provided by each student. They brought their questions and comments to the virtual sessions, which contributed to their final scoring decisions.

Poster entries were submitted from students representing 4 continents and the entire academic spectrum from high school through to PhD level. Content was extremely varied, covering areas such as machine learning (learn more about the HPCC Systems Machine Learning Library here), platform enhancements, research projects and use case scenarios.  

Everyone had their slot and time with our judges, Vannel Zeufack, Allan Wrobel, Dawn Riley and James McMullan, providing students with the opportunity to interact directly with the judges, answering their questions and providing additional insights into their achievements.

Group A - Q and A Meeting

Featuring Poster Presenters and Judges

Group B - Q and A Meeting

Featuring Poster Presenters and Judges

Arun Gaonkar

North Carolina State University

Applying Causality Toolkit to Real-World Dataset

Shivam Singhal

University of Oulu, Finland

Improving ECLDocGenerator - HPCC Systems Bundles Docs Generator 

Ananya Gupta

Clemson University

Nepali NLP Initiative

Zheyu Shen

Columbia University

Direct LiNGAM Conjecture: A Non-linear Causal Direction Detection Algorithm

Group C - Q and A Meeting

Featuring Poster Presenters and Judges

Group D - Q and A Meeting

Featuring Poster Presenters and Judges

Bruno Moura Valle Costa

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Estimating the Number of Clusters for the K-means Algorithm in HPCC Systems

Nathalia Ribas

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

HPCC Systems Log Monitoring in the Cloud

Pedro Lima Rodrigues

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Feelings Detection in Social Media Posts

Matheus Ley Sen Chuang

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Massive Data Analysis Applied to the Identification of Inconsistencies in Governmental Databases

Renato Campos Afonso

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Big Data Process with ETL: Mapping Brazilian Companies to Offer Life Insurance