HPCC Systems 5.6.x Releases

HPCC Systems 5.6.x Releases

Welcome! Issues found in the entire HPCC Systems 5.6.x series are listed here. Where possible, we indicate which release is affected by the issue and the most recently reported items are shown at the top of the list.

The downloads, changelogs and known limitations and other supporting documentation for this release are available on our website. Please read the notes below. There may be settings, features and ECL coding hints that may help you to make the transition with ease. We add to the list when a new item of interest is discovered ot pointed out to us so do keep checking back for updates.

Users upgrading from HPCC Systems® 4.x.x or 5.x.x, will also find it useful to glance over the redbook items from the releases in between.

From HPCC Systems® 5.0.0, the new ECL Watch pages are used as the default, so if you are upgrading from a release using the legacy version, take a look at the ECL Watch Transition and Quick Guide to help you bridge the gap.

Here's how to contact us if you find an issue or want to add something to the Red Book:

To raise an issue, use our Community Issue Tracker. Please create yourself an account if you don't already have one, to get automatic updates as your issue progresses through the workflow.


NEW - To enable git support within ECL IDE, TortoiseGIT + any prerequisites must be installed

Once you have installed TortoiseGIT (and any other prerequisites), the context menus in ECL IDE will include options for carrying out git tasks, for example, branch changes.

To download TortoiseGIT go here: https://tortoisegit.org/download/. To find out whether there are additional prerequisites you will also need install, take a look at the FAQs.


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