Tech Talk 1 - January 12th 2017

Tech Talk 1 - January 12th 2017

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Guest Speakers and Subjects:

  1. Anirudh Shah, Co-Founder, 3Loq - Watch Recording
    • How we use HPCC Systems to process more than 500 monthly marketing campaigns at the largest private bank in India across the banks entire portfolio.
    • Our experience with HPCC Systems in production
    • Automation and data sanity frameworks

  2. Allan Wrobel, Sr Software Engineer, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group - Watch Recording
    • Thor is well known for making short the processing of billions of records, and this promotes the tendency to use brute force in its deployment. Watch how the UK managed to implement efficiency over brute force to reduce the processing time for a daily build of a billion record ingest file from 12 hours, to 2 hours, and enabled further speed increases in other processes.
    • Making full use of Superfiles to make order of magnitude improvements to build times on THOR. (plus fringe benefits)

  3. Lorraine Chapman, Consulting Business Analyst, HPCC Systems - Watch Recording
    • In 2015, HPCC Systems was an accepted organization for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) taking on 2 students involved in this program. However, we had the bandwidth to support more students and so the HPCC Systems summer internship program was born. Four students joined the program in 2015 and four more in 2016. We will apply for GSoC and run our intern program again in 2017. Hear how the programs work, how projects are identified and find out about student successes on these programs.

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