Tech Talk 6 - August 1st 2017

Tech Talk 6 - August 1st 2017

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Guest Speakers and Subjects: 

  1. Lily Xu - PhD student of Computer Science at Clemson University, USA - Watch Recording
    Extending the YinYang K-Means machine learning algorithm in ECL

    Lily is a third year Ph.D. student studying in Computer Science at Clemson University in the USA. She is currently doing research in the DICE (Data Intensive Computing Eco-Systems) lab in the School of Computing. Her research mainly focusses on Machine Learning, Parallel and Distributed Computing, High Performance Computing. Last year, he joined the team to implement the YinYang K-Means machine learning algorithm in ECL. This year, she has returned to build on this work by optimizing this algorithm for large clusters.

    For more information about her work on the YinYang K-Means machine learning algorithm, see our featured blog on her work from 2016 and her own blog from this year tracking her progress.

  2. Vivek Nair - PhD student of Computer Science North Carolina State University, USA - Watch Recording
    HPCC Systems and Spark 

    Vivek Nair is a fifth year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University. His primary interest lie in using search-based techniques to solve software engineering problems. He is currently working on optimizing the performance of highly configurable systems.  He received his master degree and worked in the mobile industry for a period of 2 years before returning to graduate school. 

    Vivek is currently (summer 2017) completing an HPCC Systems intern project which involves trying to connect HPCC Systems with Spark. For more information, visit his website and read his blog tracking his progress on his intern project.

  3. George Mathew - PhD student of Computer Science at North Carolina State University, USA - Watch Recording
    Implementing the Gradient Trees machine learning algorithm in ECL 

    George Mathew is a first year PhD student in CS at North Carolina State University working at RAISE lab(ai4se.net). He is a full stack software engineer. His prime areas of interests are machine learning and software development. In his free time he works on his maintains a repository of optimization algorithms, collects vintage vinyl records and goes biking. George is implementing the Gradient Trees algorithm in ECL for the HPCC Systems Machine Learning Library. This algorithm is used for building predictive models.

    To know more about George, visit his website(bigfatnoob.us).

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