Amy Ma - 2022 Poster Contest Resources

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Amy Ma is a 12th Grade student attending Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, USA. Amy joined the HPCC Systems Intern Program to work on a project that supports our Cloud Native platform. Read Amy's 2021 intern blog journal which includes a more in depth look of her work and view her 2021 Poster. 

Amy returned to the HPCC Systems Intern Program for the second time in 2022 to complete a project involving the collecting dispersed information about data patterns and combining it into one document. This document will be added to our current suite of manuals which are available here on our website.

As well as the resources included here, read Amy's 2022 intern blog journal which includes a more in depth look of her 2022 HPCC Systems intern project. 

Poster Abstract

Data Patterns is a library or ECL Bundle that provides data profiling and research tools for use by ECL programmers.  Data Patterns was an existing feature of HPCC Systems, however it was never formally documented. The information about usage was documented in three separate files. The purpose of this project was to gather the information from the various files and consolidate them into a book accessible to users from the Documentation area of the HPCC Systems website  The documentation includes the following sections about the usage and functions of Data Patterns:

  • Introduction

  • Using Data Patterns inside ECL Watch

  • Using the Data Patterns bundle

  • Using the Std.DataPatterns Module in ECL 


In this Video Recording, Amy provides a tour and explanation of her poster content.

Documentation: Data Patterns

Click on the poster for a larger image.

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