Elizabeth Lorti - 2022 Poster Resources

Elizabeth Lorti - 2022 Poster Resources

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Elizabeth Lorti is a Bachelor student studying International Development at King's College, London.

Elizabeth joined the 2022 HPCC Systems Intern Program to complete a project that involved assisting with the evaluation of the HPCC Systems brand, updating content on our website and evaluating our presence on social media platforms.

As well as the resources included here, read Elizabeth's intern blog journal which includes a more in depth look of this work. 

Poster Abstract

Throughout my internship project, my role required a different lens in understanding and evolving the HPCC Systems community. Social media and marketing strategies are crucial in ensuring that the company and platform are increasing engagement and expanding their reach to other professionals or anyone who may be looking for this particular form of big data organization. I've taken control of the HPCC Systems social media after presenting my strategy to the team, and as displayed in my poster, I've additionally grown engagements, impressions and clicks as I have moved through my internship. Engagements, clicks and impressions are the best metrics to measure growth, improvement and expansion of social media platforms.

In addition to this, I also completed a competitive analysis of HPCC Systems vs competitors in order to further understand their marketing strategies and how HPCC Systems can improve and rise above our competitors in this regard. Through hashtag use, emoji, and incorporating vivid colors and a friendly tone which I implemented following the competitive analysis, all were highly successful in increasing our social media metrics. Lastly, I had to work on updating and collecting collateral documents for review and re-branding as HPCC Systems is currently undergoing re-branding as a company. Collateral documents are key documents that will be used by users of the platform to understand how to use certain features of the platform and the best tricks and tips for understanding how to use the platform itself. Therefore, it was key that these would be checked and updated as all were at least five years old and others were ten. 

To conclude, this project displayed the success and impact that an evolving marketing and social media strategy can have on HPCC Systems as a platform. Despite not being a technical project, my internship project had a very positive impact on increasing engagements and bringing more attention to the platform and important information. 

Technology Marketing and Branding

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